Monday, April 30, 2007
I miss my college buddies... haha! [biglang ngemote..] I guess its because of the fact that we've been together for FOUR YEARS... I see them everyday [that includes summer] Just imagine how TIGHT we are... *sigh* I miss my 'autogals'... We've been through it all... the drama, the laughter, the 'bitching', the 'summer curse', the stupidities, the boy-troubles, escapades... [waaa! im about to have a breakdown!] =( I guess all good things have to end.. although the friendship WILL ALWAYS BE THERE... but we have to go our separate paths... ='(

(L to R) Ruth, Dhang, and me
photo taken during our graduation practice =) [wished kring,iya and connie were there]
It was an awesome experience having friends like them... My college life was never the same again... *sigh* =) I LOVE THEM... and i will tell my future kids and my future grandchildren our story and how friendship can make life AWESOME! =)
Labels: autogals, friendship, realizations
Posted by mia at 9:45:00 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
if they only knew
It's funny how we view each other... Some may envy your looks, your social stature, academic prowess, 'emotional stability' etc. yet in reality there is nothing to be envious about... We have our own weakness, our own strengths and we have to find a way to make them compromise so we could have a harmonious life... =(
What gave me this idea is a actually a friend of mine who texted me awhile ago and she told me that she actually admires me because I get to handle things as if I don't feel sad and as if im some kind of a wonder woman... Well, here is what i can say about that as of NOW, I am vulnerable. I've never been this weak in my 20 year existence... I guess it has dawned to me that I am not actually my 'full person' as of today... I've tried to keep this facade that I am ok and that I can be reached by my friends about they problems anytime... i never thought that it could actually cause something like this... The feeling of extreme weakness... as if i carry the world over my shoulders when it shouldn't be in the first place... ;-( Im not MAD whatsoever I actually feel proud of myself coz I made them feel safe with me... [so don't get me wrong] I guess I just don't want people to think [particularly those who are important to me] that I am always ready to handle their 'blows' though Im always willing to listen to them, but maybe someday there will come a time wherein i'll be one in need... I hope they're still around... ;-)
[my spacing is not working again... grrrr!]
Labels: patheticness, rant, realizations
Posted by mia at 9:45:00 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
me... me... me...
I guess the photo says it all... haha
BUM... one word that could describe me right now... GAWD! this is driving me insane... my girls are not ready to go out yet coz some of them have summer classes... *sigh* I really wanna go out... enjoy the beach and have something worthwhile to do... [grrrr!] anyway, its freakin' HOT outside and that is also one factor why i don't want to leave the house.. [haha!] =) As of now, I have to say "CHILLAX lng muna"... =) Im not really rushing myself into working but as soon as June steps in and there are still no answer from my 'dream job' I guess its time to MOVE ON... =) Im quite anxious about it... [oh for the love of God!!] *sigh* Have to go... i don't want to spoil my whole afternoon.. hahahaha =)
Labels: boredom
Posted by mia at 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
How am I?
As of the time being i am BORED... Thank goodness books were created... television reigned supreme and Oprah was always on or I will go NUTS... [do you hear me?! NUTS...] anyway, I am not looking for a job unlike my former blockmates who have applied on call centers, TV networks, Newspapers, etc... Im here lounging around as if money will come my way... *sigh* I never thought that living in the real world is this tough... Im used in spending my folks' money, sleep during the weekends, lounge around, go to school and act smart [haha], and just be a normal teenager [the way society depicts it]... Oh wait! I am no longer a teenager [oh shoot!] im already a young adult and I should start picking my OWN trash and my OWN a** around... [the hell!] *sigh*
I want to be useful again.. and i must admit I MISS SCHOOL!!! [grrr!] I miss beating the deadline, doing my projects the day before [haha!], hanging out with my friends, productions, and all those academic stuff... I hate it when I feel so useless... I want to think... I want to write... I want to recite [Lord! I miss sir Gagalac's recitations, Sir Umali's Prelim, Midterm and Final exams, Thesis making] I feel like my creative juices are starting to lose its 'acidity'.... [f*ckaroo!]
Now it boils down to my current emotional state... [as i call it] Im actually in a balanced state of mind [my own term again!]... i really don't know how I get through the day... i shock myself everytime... =) I guess it just sums up how vulnerable I really am right now... [stinking hormones!] YES! I blame those hormones... sometimes Im high and then i get really low... [am i Bipolar?!] Oh shocks! NOOOO!!! = ... For sure Im just doing my best to take the 'best' out of my boring summer vacation... [GAWD! Its HOT here in the Philippines!!!] Blame it on the carelessness of us humans to Mother nature... [grrr!]
Last Sunday was Earth Day and was also my bez's birthday... soooo...
Bez EURE!! Happy Birthday... =) mua! Lorve you...
Labels: current status =)
Posted by mia at 10:08:00 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
point blank...
Im about to burst into tears... =(... For what reason? Honestly i have no idea! or maybe I know but I just can't accept it... pathethic huh?! HELL YEA... =( As of now, Im a little sad of my day's outcome... i feel bad that im back to my old ways... Im just not in the mood to be happy right now... its as if i feel horrible... =(
sabi nga ni gigay BITTERGOURD... I guess that is ONE reason why im so 'sad' right now... I feel a little bitter... Bitter about how boring my summer is... Bitter about my dad's actions... Bitter about my LOVELIFE... Bitter about sign guy... B-I-T-T-E-R!!!! i want to feel better NOW... i hate this kind of feeling i just HATE IT... =(
please.. make sense of things... im losing my patience AGAIN... i hate MYSELF! Im getting to excited of things again... hoping then failing in the end.. this is NOT GOOD... =(
Labels: patheticness
Posted by mia at 8:43:00 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007
im currently in the state of loneliness.. haha [dramatic!] grrrr.. = anyway, i just want to share this email i got from a cousin... =)
what is love to a 4-8 yr old?
1. When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandpa does it for her now all the time, even when > his hands got arthritis too. That's love. > Rebecca- age 8
2. When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouths. > Billy- age 4
3. Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving Cologne and they go out and smell each other. > Kari- age 5
4. Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs. > Chrissy- age 6
5. Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. > Terri- age 4
6. Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK. > Danny- age 7
7. Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My mommy and my daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss. > Emily- age 8
8. Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. > Bobby- age 7 (WOW - get the Kleenex - he'll go places in this ole world.)
9. If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. Nikka- age 6
10. Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday. > Noelle- age 7
11. Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. > Tommy- age 6
12. During my piano recital, I was on stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore. > Cindy- age 8
13. My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night. > Clare- age 6 (gotta love her)
14. Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken. > Elaine-age 5
15. Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford. > Chris- age 7
16. Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.
> Mary Ann- age 4
17. When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.
> Karen- age 7 (what generation is this kid?)
18. Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and doesn't think it's gross. > Mark- age 6
19. You really shouldn't say I LOVE YOU unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget. > Jessica- age 8 (priceless)
And the winner was a 4 year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly man who had just lost his wife. When the child saw the man cry, the little boy went over into the man's yard and climbed on top of the man's lap and just sat there. When the boy's mother asked him what he'd said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry."
these kids touched my heart... =)
Posted by mia at 8:36:00 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
im back AGAIN.. after a long time of not blogging here.. =) i was too busy managing my
friendster and multiply accounts that i wasn't able to blog here.. *sigh* BUT now im back and there is no stopping my excitement in blogging in my blogspot again... wohooo! =)
For the past 2 months I've done a lot things already [aside from being a full time BUM]... i actually GRADUATED.. =) I had acquired my Degree in Broadcast Journalism last March 22, 2007 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Manila... It was one of those moments that really made a MARK in my life.. i guess the thought of FINISHING school and setting foot into the real world contributed to my enthusiam.. =) I am indeed happy that my parents saw me in one of my triumphant moments in my 20 years of existence... =)
Graduation marked the end and beginning of my life... The END of my academic responsibilities, my school night outs, drinking sessions with my college friends and the whole thought of going to school and STUDY... YET! it also marked the BEGINNING of a new chapter in my life... A chapter that leads to a whole LOT of RESPONSIBILITY... a chapter that can dictate how i would manage my life and my FUTURE... I know there is no more room for any excuses coz there no more subjects to blame, requirements to finish, extra-curricular activities to attend to and a thesis to think about... It actually scares me coz i don't know how in the world will I be able to handle my life... i guess only time can tell... *sigh*
For the next months, i'll be in search of a JOB... a JOB that will represent me [i hope]... Im excited and scared at the same time... I don't know if I will be even able to represent what the employers want... [i don't want to disappoint my mentors..] *sigh* I have to be tough... I HAVE TO... =
As for the time being, im a certified BUM... and it feels like i'll be in this situation for quite some time... haha =) BUT! i promise to look for a job soon... heehee =)
Labels: current status =)
Posted by mia at 8:15:00 PM