i guess the photo pretty much says it all.. haha =D although everyone isn't part of the photo but this is how we look like on a regular basis.. hahahaha (am i right?!) =) anyhoo, its already the 1st day of February and yes we're almost near the end of the line... end of college that is.. =') i really don't know how to handle this whole im-living-college thing.. i will sure gonna miss the people that i've been with for almost 4 years.. FOUR FREAKIN' YEARS!!! same faces, same wickedness, same sense of humor, same old same old... =)

we've been through 3 recollections.. 1 retreat... a lot of productions... a lot of 'sessions'... tons of drinking sessions... 1 ultimate bora-coor moment... lots of laugh trips... and tons and tons of MOMENTS... i will miss you guys.. =') I freakin' hate the fact that we are about to be 'separated'... i felt bad when highschool ended but i never knew that college will be worse! i guess its because of the fact that you've been with the same people for a long time.. seen them bloom, seen them weep, seen them curse, seen them laugh, seen them fight, seen them beat the hell out of each other... hahaha =)
we still have a few weeks as a block.. i really don't wanna spoil the fun so i guess it will be better to keep all the good memories last... =) hay! i just can't accept the fact that the end is near.. grrr!!
we've worked hard for every single thing that we've achieved in school.. i remember my 1st day in school, i was so excited coz i have a new uniform, new pair of shiny black shoes, a cute hanky, a pretty bag and tons of pictures to remind me of my first day in school then the INEVITABLE happened... the NERVES got the best of me! haha ( i remember how my mom always tells this story. haha she finds it funny yah know!) its the famous line "mommy, masakit ang tiyan ko!" i really don't know why but when it was my 1st day in college i uttered the SAME LINE to my mother.. she laughed so hard she almost collapsed in her chair.. why am i saying this? coz i believe i'll be uttering the same line on graduation day... the day when im beginning a new chapter in my life... hay!
i hope that we will still see each other in the field.. =) we're gonna rock this industry!! hahaha

JOURNZEROSEVEN! fuck you all.. hahaha =) you made my college life oh too SWEET!! i love all of you... and i never regret every single moment we spent with each other.. =D you all rock! Let's leave school with something that they will NEVER forget.. haha =D